Ngo Thi Thuy Duyen |
Ressam ve
görsel sanatçı
1981: Vietnam’ın
Hoi An kentinde doğdu.
2006: Hue
Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi’nden mezun oldu.
Sanat Etkinlikleri
2007 (Temmuz): “Ayrılış” Kişisel Resim
Sergisi, Tu Do Sanat Galerisi, Ho Çi Min Kenti,
2007 (Temmuz-Ekim): Asia Artist in
Residence ile (Asya’ya özel, sanatçılar arası bir burs ve değişim programı) Cheongju,
Güney Kore’de sanat çalışmaları.
2007 (Ağustos): Chungbuk Uluslararası
Sanat Festivali, Chungbuk, Güney Kore.
2007 (Ekim): Vietnam
Yeni Sanat Sergisi, Shin Müzesi, Cheongju, Güney Kore.
2007 (Ekim): Festival performansı,
Andokbol Sokağı, Cheongju, Güney Kore.
2006: ‘Şiir’ Yerleştirme Sergisi, Hue Festivali, Hue, Vietnam.
2006 (Haziran): “Sonsuzluk Grubu”yla
Yerleştirme Sergisi, Ho Çi Min Kenti, Vietnam.
2006 (Eylül): “Ateşböcekleri”, Duc
House’da sergi, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2006 (Ekim): “Barışta İlerleme”, “Taş ve
Su” Projesi çerçevesinde çalışma. Anyang,
Güney Kore.
- Goethe Enstitüsü’nde Tran Luong ile performans
çalıştayına katılım, Hanoi,
2006 (Kasım): Yerleştirme Sergisi, Ho Çi
Min Kenti Güzel Sanatlar Cemiyeti, Ho Çi Min Kenti, Vietnam.
2005: “Sonsuzluk Grubu”yla Yerleştirme ve
Performans Sergisi, Hue, Vietnam.
2004: “Bahar 2004” Resim Sergisi, Tam Ky, Vietnam.
2004: Alman sanatçı Juliane Hessi’nin
yerleştirme sanatı derslerine katılım, Hue Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Hue, Vietnam.
2004: Goethe Enstitüsü’nde Juliane Hessi
ile çalıştaya katılım, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2004: “Barış Umudu”, Yerleştirme Sergisi,
Hue Festivali, Hue, Vietnam.
2004 (Ağustos): Hue Güzel Sanatlar Klübü
ile Resim Sergisi, Hue, Vietnam.
2003: “Bahar”, Yerleştirme Sergisi, Hue, Vietnam.
Aralık: Yerleştirme Sergisi, Hue Güzel Sanatlar
Üniversitesi, Hue, Vietnam.
2002: Resim sergisi, Hue Sanat Festivali,
Hue, Vietnam.
Karikatürler ve Resimlemeler
2007: Con vang. Van Nghe Dergisi,
19.07.2007, 20, s.3.
2007: Dac nhan tim cha. Van Nghe Dergisi, 19.07.2007, 20, s.8.
2007 (July): Solo Painting Exhibition “Departure”, Tu Do Art
Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
2007 (July-October): Asia Artist in Residence in Cheongju, Republic of Korea.
2007 (August): Chungbuk International Art Fair, in Chungbuk, Republic
of Korea.
2007 (October): Vietnam New
Art Exhibition in Shin Museum in Cheongju,
Republic of Korea.
2007 (October): Festival performance in Andokbol Street, Cheongju, Republic
of Korea.
2006 “Poetry”, Installation Exhibition at Hue
festival, Hue, Vietnam.
2006 (June): Installation Exhibition with “Infinity group” at 3A Ton Duc Thang St., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
2006 (July): “Rush Hours”, Installation Exhibition at Saigon Open City, 3A
Ton Duc Thang St., Ho Chi Minh City,
- Participated in the Performance Workshop of artist Tran Luong
at Saigon Open City, 3A Ton
Duc Thang St., Ho Chi Minh City,
2006 (September): “Fireflies”, Performance Art Exchange Exhibition At the
Duc House on Stilts, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Participated in the Performance Workshop by artist Tran Luong
at Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2006 (October): “Progress in Peace”, a subject in the project "Stone and
Water", Anyang, Republic of Korea.
2006 (November): Installation Exhibition, HCM
City Fine Art Association, Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam.
2005 Installation & Performance Exhibition with “Infinity Group” at 8 Tran Van Ky St., Hue, Vietnam.
2004 “Spring 2004” Painting Exhibition, Tam Ky, Quang Nam
Province, Vietnam.
2004 Attended a course on installation art by Juliane Hessi, a German
artist, at Hue's Fine
Arts University,
Hue, Vietnam.
2004 Participating in a workshop with Juliane Hessi at Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2004 “Aspiration for Peace”, Installation Exhibition at Hue
Festival, Hue, Vietnam.
2004 (August): Painting Exhibition with the Hue Fine Art Club, 26 Le Loi St., Hue, Vietnam.
2003 -Installation Exhibition “Spring” at 04 Doan Thi Diem, Hue, Vietnam.
December: Installation Exhibition at Hue
Fine Arts
University, Hue, Vietnam.
2002 Painting exhibition at the Art Fair, Hue Festival, Hue, Vietnam.
Cartoons and Illustrations
2007: Con vang. Van Nghe Magazine, 19.07.2007, 20, p.3.
2007: Dac nhan tim cha. Van Nghe Magazine, 19.07.2007, 20, p.8.