10.Eylül 1942
Wielun/Polonya’ da doğdu.
1956-1961 yılları arasında plastik sanatlar
üzerinde Warschau’da öğretim gördü. 1961 – 1966 (Akademie of fine Arts)
yıllarında yüksek tahsilini tamamladı. Tahsiline (1966 – 1968) Paris’te devam
etti ve oraya yerleşti.
Born on 10th of October 1942 in Wieluń in Poland.
Considered to be one of the
principal representatives of fantastic realism. He studied at the College of
Plastic Arts in Warsaw from 1956 to 1961 and at the Academy of the Fine Arts in
Warsaw from 1961 to 1966. In September 1966, he arrived in France to continue
his studies at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1967 and 1968.
Wojtek Siudmak, né le 10 octobre 1942 à
Wieluń est un peintre d'origine polonaise, installé en France.
Il étudie au Collège d'Arts Plastiques de
Varsovie de 1956 à 1961 et aux Beaux-Arts de Varsovie de 1961 à 1966. En 1966,
il vient étudier à l'École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts à Paris et
s'établit définitivement en France. Il vit actuellement en région parisienne.
Geboren 10. Oktober 1942 in Wielun/ Polen.
1956 – 1961 Studium an der
Hochschule für plastische Kunst in Warschau, von 1961 – 1966 Akademie of fine
Arts; seit 1966 lebt er in Paris, wo er sein Studium bis 1968 beendete.